Sheriff Mike Tregre: St. John runs into road hazards

Reprint from   Published Saturday, January 14, 2017   For some reason for years there have always been terrible traffic accidents in St. John Parish at the end of the year. This year was no different! Unfortunately, four people were killed in traffic...

2016 Officer of the Year Awards Ceremony

Detective Douglas Buckler, 2016 Officer of the Year with Chief Deputy Steve Guidry (L), Sheriff Mike Tregre (R) and  Raj Pannu (CR) of Pannu enterprises, Officer of the Year Sponsor   MEDAL OF HONOR AWARD The highest award in the Sheriff’s Office, the...

Sheriff Tregre: Teach our children about their police friends

Reprint from   Published Saturday, December 10, 2016   I want to share a story that has been on my mind. On my way to work one day, I stopped at a traffic light on Airline Highway. While waiting for the traffic light to change, a lady pulled up next to...

Tregre: SJSO thankful for area support

Reprint from   Published Saturday, November 12, 2016   With Thanksgiving Day right around the corner, we ponder on what we are thankful for? Is it good health, a good job or a simply good friends and family? At St. John Sheriff’s Office, we have a...