Women’s Safety Tips

Recent news events have cast Louisiana into the national spotlight as a result of high profile violent crimes against women in the state. “Southeast and Southwest Louisiana, in particularly, have been the primary settings of recent violent crimes against and...

ATM Security Measures

We take them for granted, these marvels of technology. Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) offer convenience to busy bank customers and greatly reduce transaction costs to banks. But, as is often the case, technology has its downside. As the production and use of ATMs...

How Not to Get Hooked by a Phishing Scam

  Internet scammers casting about for people’s financial information have a new way to lure unsuspecting victims: They go "phishing." Phishing, also called "carding," is a high-tech scam that uses spam to deceive consumers into...

Child Abduction Safeguards

  Tips to Keep Your It can happen in an instant and a child’s life is forever changed. The ‘it’ is child abduction, a parent’s worst fear and an experience one should never know. The recent spate of child abductions, and attempted...

Safe Summer Driving Plans

The start of summer signals vacation travel for millions and millions of Americans. And, the travel choice for most of them is still the road trip. A great deal of planning and preparation generally goes into making vacation travel as enjoyable as possible. Everything...