""Hunting. It has been around for thousands of years. It is as much a part of Louisiana culture as are the moss draped oaks and festivals celebrating our way of life. But just as hunting can be challenging and invigorating, so can it be very dangerous as well, says Sheriff Mike Tregre.

In the course of three days, three separate and unrelated hunting accidents in southeast Louisiana claimed the lives of two men and left two other men with gunshot injuries.

In light of these recent occurrences, Sheriff Tregre advised parish hunters that enjoying the social, economic and ecological benefits of hunting can be enhanced by observing these basic rules when handling, using or transporting firearms.

""ALWAYS… point firearms in a SAFE direction.
ALWAYS … treat a firearm as though it is loaded.
ALWAYS … assume a firearm is loaded and off safety until you PROVE otherwise.
ALWAYS … watch out for other shooters in your area.
ALWAYS … keep your finger away from the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
ALWAYS … inspect your ammunition carefully for proper size and condition.
ALWAYS … make sure your shooting area is safe, before you launch projectiles.


""NEVER… put "too much" trust in the safety mechanism.
NEVER … transport a loaded firearm.
NEVER … point at anything you do not want to shoot.
NEVER … modify ammunition or firearms if you are not qualified to do it.
NEVER … use Alcohol or Drugs while handling firearms.


""FREQUENTLY… check the muzzle for obstruction.
FREQUENTLY … check your firearm for loose or broken parts.
FREQUENTLY … check your trigger pull weight (it sometimes changes).
FREQUENTLY … check to make sure it is not loaded when you do not want it to be.

Sheriff Tregre concludes, "By incorporating some common sense measures and these safety tips, your hunting experiences can be all the more enjoyable and provide for some pretty interesting stories to tell around the campfire long after the hunt is over."

Due to passage of a mandatory hunter education bill, beginning on September 1, 1985, hunting licenses will not be issued to anyone born on or after September 1, 1969, unless the applicant provides proof of completion of an approved hunter education course.


To Register for a Hunters Safety Education Course , Click Here

