Isaac C. Joseph, 39, 227 E 23rd St, Reserve, was arrested 08/09/2012 and booked with Probation Violation, and two counts of Simple Battery
Timothy Robertson, 24, 3017 Essex Dr, LaPlace, was arrested 08/09/2012 and booked with Simple Burglary of a Motor Vehicle, Criminal Damage to Property, and Crimnal Trespass.
Darryl Marchand Jr., 23, 308 Oak Point Dr, LaPlace, was arrested 08/09/2012 and booked with Simple Burglary of a Motor Vehicle, Criminal Damage to Property, and Crimnal Trespass.
Brandon Fields, 20, 214 Joe Parquet Circle, LaPlace, was arrested 08/09/2012 and booked with Probation Violation.
Kevin Halas, 34, 3002 LaQuinta Dr, Missouri, Texas, was arrested 08/09/2012 and booked with Misapplication of Payments by Contractors over $1000, and Theft- $500-$1000.
Gregory Labranch, 33, 1027 Whitlow Ct, LaPlace, was arrested 08/09/2012 and booked with Distribution/Manufactoring of a Schedule II CDS, and Possession of Marijuana.