Sheriff Mike Tregre and several fellow officers had a great time October 29, 2020 when the parish presented its first Drive-Thru Trunk or Treat at the St. John Community Center in LaPlace.
A few officers transformed into their Super Hero characters to wish children a happy Halloween. Black Panther also known as Deputy Edward Webb, Superman also known Daniel Reed, Supergirl also known as Cpl. Claudette Edwards, Wonder Woman played by Lt. Denise Bertrand, Bat Girl played by Sgt. Danielle Falgoust and Spiderman played by Deputy Jennifer DeFrisco arrived on their armored vehicle, the Bearcat.
Cpl. John Norsworthy and Cpl. Morris Sarah and Deputy Ingrid Perrilloux and Lt. Gloria Tassin enjoyed decorating their units with spooky themes.
All of the officers had a great time handing out bags of candy and glow sticks to hundreds of children who attended the event.