SJSO Holds DARE Graduation at Several Local Schools Officers Danielle Falgoust and Trystin Williams had the pleasure of awarding Drug Abuse Resistance Education certificates this month during DARE graduation for fifth graders at several elementary schools in St. John Parish. Schools participating for the first half of the school year were Ascension of Our Lord, East St. John Prep, John L. Ory Magnet, Lake Pontchartrain, LaPlace Elementary, Riverside Academy, and St. Peter. Lt. Greg Baker and Deputy Darlene Cooper assisted the DARE officers and helped present DARE goodie bags and T-shirts. Sgt. Falgoust and Cpl. Williams led the fifth graders in DARE, a school-based drug awareness and prevention program that has evolved to not only teach students about drug awareness and prevention but also instructs them in decision-making for safe and healthy living. The 10-week lessons, offered locally to fifth graders in elementary schools, address drugs, violence, bullying, internet safety, and other high risk circumstances students’ may face in their lives. Winners in the DARE essay contest and Star Challenge winners for showing outstanding character also were recognized.